Deanna Picon's
Autism Diagnosis Tips E-book
Surviving the Thunderbolt: How to Cope When Your Child Is Diagnosed With Autism
"Your child has autism"
Those four little words hit like a thunderbolt and can turn your life upside down. You are suddenly in the hurricane centered on your child, as the list of needs and demands for their present and future life grows to overwhelming size.
But what about you? Where is the parent in all of this? How do you maintain your physical and emotional well-being? Do you get to have a life at all?
This e-book is a parent's guide to coping with the pressures and demands that often swamp parents of special needs children. In six basic steps, autism coach Deanna Picon gives you the core advice you need to deal with the aftermath of your child's diagnosis, now and in the long-term.
Drawn from her acclaimed publication The Autism Parents' Guide to Reclaiming Your Life, and from her own experience as the mother of a non-verbal son with autism, Picon provides a message of hope and reassurance.
Yes, your life is about to change dramatically, but it doesn't mean you are doomed to a hard and thanklesss future. You and your child can both have the life you want and deserve.